Holly Calvary Church
A Global Methodist Community
Vanco: Secure Electronic Giving
The ability to set up regular giving at whatever intervals work in your life.
Vanco is PCI1 Compliant
It’s more than keeping the lights on; it’s about faithfulness to God...and it's about changing lives through proclaiming the life-giving power of the Gospel in our area and beyond.
Your gift today changes lives through the mission, service, and ministry of Holly Calvary Church.
We are connecting people to people and people to Jesus through the gift of life-giving relationships. Together, we are making a difference for Jesus.
Use the online bill payment option on your bank's website.
Holly Calvary Church
15010 N. Holly Road
Holly, MI 48442
Text Giving is quick and simply. Just text a dollar amount to 844.947.0268.
Our Vanco giving partner provides this quick, easy, and secure way to give.
Send a check or money order.
Holly Calvary Church
15010 N. Holly Road
Holly, MI 48442
The offering box is located on the table in the center of the entry hall.
Giving envelopes are provided for your convenience.
If you're giving cash and would like a contribution statement, please use a giving envelope and be certain to enter your name.